Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sin is sin bottom line.

I usually don’t post anything regarding homosexuality. For several reasons. First, one of my sisters is gay and I tremendously love and adore her and her partner. You couldn’t ask to know two people who are any funnier, sweeter and have biggest hearts. Two, they know where I stand on gay relationship/marriage. I do not need to rub it in on a daily basis. Three, the bible is clear love the sinner h...ate the sin, correct?!? (To be clear, I am not calling anyone a sinner) The bible says your salvation is between you and God, not between me, a neighbor and God (Philippians 2:12). I am not condoning, nor am I judging anyone who lives a lifestyle different than what I believe is right or wrong. Four, I have my own skeletons. They may not be the same ones but they are there.
The following scriptures say the following six things are things in which the Lord hates. So, therefore you must have a soap box for each one of these subjects, right?
Proverbs 6:16-19
King James Version (KJV)
These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

Then it tells us, if we say we’ve not sinned were liars.
(1 John 1:10 - If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us)
Then it tells us if we know the good and do not do it were are sinning.
James 4:17 - Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth [it] not, to him it is sin.

You cannot force someone else to see you point of view. Your beliefs or how you feel. Constant preaching (drilling in) will not get you anywhere. Expressing scripture calmly, with love, and understanding. Then just pray for them. With any and all sin, not just what “you” consider the big sin.

So, with all that being said. Does it mean we are supposed to distance ourselves from people who shed innocent blood, lie, have a proud look, have wicked imaginations or cause problems? Give off a judgmental attitude towards and constantly give our biblical and/or political opinion on their lifestyle? No, we are not. We are to embrace with love. Not the lifestyle but the person. We are all born into sin (Romans 3:10). We all fall short (Romans 3:23). The bible gives the biblical definition of marriage yes of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24). It also says he hates divorce times (Malachi 2:16). I’ve been divorced legally three times. In my past, my relationships involved pre-marital sex. I’ve told white lies to spare someone’s feelings. What does that say about me? I am a sinner.

Bottom line:
Yes…….we do live in a country where we can and will practice freedom of speech. And as your right you can say what you want. Quit being judgmental idiots about it, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone (John 8:7). The sin factor is not multiple choice. All sin is wrong, murder, lying, adultery, homosexuality, divorce, wicked thoughts, a proud look (haughty sprit), spreading rumors. They are all sins. The bible does not say there is a degree of sin. Like burns first, second or third degree. Sin is sin!!! It is not your place to judge another persons "sin".

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