Tuesday, December 10, 2013

ThE AcCePtAbLle SiN oF GlUtToNy


Before we began remember, I am guilty 100% of what I am going to blog about today. When God started dealing with me on it and initially I was offended, Upset and somewhat angry. So, I am expecting nothing less from my readers. I want to be a vessel. I want God to use me. Not for my own praise and glory, strictly for his. This applies to all aspects of my life. In my health, at work, as a mother, at the gym and as a Christian. One of the things I have been praying about is my weight. In the process of seeking his face regarding the matter he has revealed to me my heart, and my issues with this journey to fitness. If you noticed the tile of my Facebook page and blog was changed. It now is Finding Faith and Fitness. Yes, I added the faith. I have learned the journey to fitness if done the right way, the godly way cannot be done without the journey to faith as well. So hold on I will share with you what God has shown me.
I truly believe gluttony is the one universal acceptable sin. Next to sexual impurity. Most people when they hear the word gluttony they automatically think, FOOD! I know I always have. If you think about it, the majority of people in the Christian faith especially Pentecostal faith preach hell fire and brimstone on adultery, murder, and lying. If it’s mentioned in the bible it’s brought to light and preached against. However, they leave out gluttony, why? There are so many that are overweight. I’ve literally seen them preach till they are red in the face about sin. Sin is sin there is not a degree of sin. All sin will send you to hell. Not just a select few. So, if gluttony is considered one of the “seven deadly sins” why are so many pastors, their wives and congregants overweight? Because we don’t preach about it. It would be sinful if they did, why? That would make you a hypocrite, right?!  I’ve done some studying regarding the definition of gluttony. My eyes were opened. To the fact gluttony does not have to revolve around food. Even though I am going to focus on the part of gluttony that does revolve around food.

Food Isn't the Real Problem. The root of every sin is a disaffection for God, and Gluttony is based on the lie that food is more pleasurable than God.
Did you know the beginning of every year we as a nation resolve to lose weight? According to google.com it is the most common New Year’s resolution.  To be healthier. To try the latest magical diet fad or diet pill. To incorporate a specific exercise regimen into our lives. We spend money on gym memberships. We buy the latest exercise equipment. We sign up with Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem. I think you get my point.  We get off to a great start. By spring break the majority of us are no longer on the ban wagon to obtaining a healthier life. We’ve fallen off wagon due to so many different excuses. Luckily when we fall off we still have that extra weight to cushion our fall. And we can guarantee our best friends Ben & Jerry, little Debbie and Hostess is readily available to pick us back up. I know I can relate to this. See resolutions do not work and I am going to give my opinion on why.

Resolutions Are Powerless
That is why our resolutions are powerless to change the heart. We need more than principles, diet fads, magic pills and personal trainers. The good news for the glutton is that acceptance and change aren’t based on our resolutions and effort (Gal. 2:15–21), but on God’s gracious resolution and effort to make us his workmanship in Christ (Eph. 2:8–10). The only resolution that matters is God’s gracious resolution to give sinners himself through the blood-stained cross and empty tomb. The gospel of Christ offers us all we need to satisfy the hungry soul, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger” (John6:35).

How to overcome gluttony? It is simple, not easy but simple.

1.            Start with prayer, sincere payer! Ask God to show you where you are failing him in by giving into gluttony. Is it indulging in the internet, television, food, caffeine, sweets, gossip? Are you obsessing over calorie counting, fat counting or carbohydrate counting? Yes, all these things can be considered gluttony.  Anything causing you to succumb to gluttony.
2.            Once God lays it on your heart, ask him to forgive you of your sin of gluttony or over indulgence in anything that takes away from a godly walk. Ask him to cleanse your heart and make it pure of all sin including the sin of gluttony. Call the sin by name. (And because you said the prayer does not mean the temptation will be gone. Satan will rear his ugly head and try to tempt you again and again) and you will have to pray daily sometimes several times daily. It’s ok! Make sure when you’re praying and seeking God’s face for help that you have the right motives. If you you’re praying to be thin to look sexier, to dress immodestly any other reason than improving a temple a vessel for the kingdom. Most likely not going to happen or maybe even harder. Pray with a sincere pure heart is a Godly heart. “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

3. Keep a journal. I am not talking about a time consuming what you ate today journal. A prayer journal and yes document your weight if needed. Journal notices you have changed in yourself (spiritual, physical, emotional and/or mental). I promise when you look back you will be glad you did.
4.  Never talk about yourself negativity. Your scale does not define you. Your identity in Christ defines you. Only speak positivity over yourself. I don’t care if you put sticky notes on your mirrors in your bathroom, car sun visor, on your night stand reminding you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. That you are royalty as a daughter/son of the one true king. “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21
5. Stop dwelling on fat/calories/carbohydrates, eat what you want until you are comfortable not full. Don’t eat out of boredom. God made us with internal gauges that tell us when were hungry.  Utilize your internal God given gauges. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Don’t’ get me wrong I struggle with all these daily. I am not perfect and I do not claim to be. I have so much to learn and so much more I want to learn. I just felt impressed to share this with you today. And, I pray this blog today may bless someone who is on the journey to faith and fitness.  

Blessings & Love,

Hollie Kate

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