Monday, November 11, 2013

What is a Veteran?

November 11th, 2013  the 11th day  in our 30 day thankfulness challenge. It has not really been a challenge finding things I am thankful for. Today is extremely easy. It's veteran's day and I would like to take the time to Thank all Veteran's and their spouses who have been apart of any armed forces. Past, current and future. Sometimes Your selfless sacrifices seem to go so easily unnoticed. I know this as an Ex military spouse. Today, I want you ALL to know your scarifies are noticed not only today, but everyday. The husbands, wives, children and parents of these soldiers are 100% in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. If you have not been the wife, the husband, the child, the parent or the solider you cannot understand the worry, heartache, loneness, the struggles of geographical single parenting. Each person has their own part with their own joys, struggles, their own feelings of pride. There is not one of these roles you can minimize the emotions.  As a proud mother, sister, daughter, cousin, ex-spouse and granddaughter of an armed forces member who has or is serving. I salute you ALL for you daily selfless sacrifices! I pray you and you loved ones are blessed beyond measure not just today but everyday. And remember when you see a service member not just today but everyday Thank them for their service. We are only the home of the free because of the brave.
Thank you to All Veterans, spouses, children and parents of the brave.
Remember Life is short, God is good and coffee is your friend.
Hollie Kate.

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