Thursday, November 14, 2013

Getting out of the welfare rut....

November 14th, the 14th day of the thankfulness challenge.  I have previously stated it is not a challenge for me to find things to be thankful for. I had a time even when I was married. I was on government assistance. At times there was housing, TANF, food stamps and medical. After my divorce I had the relief of several government programs. I think these programs are wonderful for people who are truly in need of the temporary assistance. I know at times these programs literally saved my life and the lives of my children. I was so very thankful for these programs for years. From living in ghetto government housing, my car, with friends or family and only being able to afford food due to food stamps. Having evictions notices and cut off notices. Student loans in default. Having to have help to buy Christmas gifts for my children as well as the dinner. With prayer, fasting, hard work and faithfulness. My whole world has changed.

It has been almost one year since I have needed the assistance of any government programs. I am still a proud single mother of five children, three whom still live at home. Currently I am able to pay all my bills; car payment, cable, internet, phone, two student loans, electric, rent, family gym membership, groceries and to clothe the entire household. I was able to purchase the girls coats this year without the assistance of a special program.  I even managed to bring both student loans out of default without the assistance of any government assistance, child support or family help.

You cannot even comprehend how much these means to me. There is so much pride and excitement every time I log on to my bank and account and pay my bills or swipe my debit card to buy gas or groceries. No, I still do not have perfect credit nor am I even close. I am thankful to all my friends and family who prayed for me, encouraged me, and loved me. The ones who helped me in any other way. For you I am so very thankful for you. I am thankful for where God has brought me from. Without him none of this would be possible.
Remember Life is short, God is good and coffee is your friend,
Hollie Kate

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