Friday, May 30, 2014

To my daugher as she embarks on her new high school life......

Callie Grace Hendrickson,

Think of yourself as timeless, precious and priceless. Every day when you walk out of the house, remember that you’re treasured beyond anything you could possibly imagine. I’ve seen you blossom into an exquisit...e young woman. There isn’t anything that you could ever do that would sacrifice the love I have for you. Since before you were born, you were wanted, you were blessed, and you were loved. My love for you has only grown and strengthened through the years. I write this letter to you to go with your 2014 8th grade-graduation as a reminder of the immense love that I and God have for you. On your graduation, I wanted to offer some words of wisdom so that you might one day embrace it, and by learning from my mistakes, may you live your new high school life and eventually college.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it, and being careful where your mind leads will always keep you on the path you want for yourself. Education isn’t going to get you the job it’s going to prepare you to do the job. The rest will come from your tenacious ability to put yourself out there, to test your limits and to have enough courage to take action for your own future.

Join clubs, play sports and participate in as many activities as you can. Celebrate your wins and embrace your losses. But, never lose focus of the heavenly prize. Never sacrifice yourself, your morals or beliefs for any person, activity, sports or clubs. For you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are made for and with a purpose.

Always be willing to help the less fortunate. Keep in mind, everyone has a past, a story and worth. Even if we are unable to see it.

Faith is something you lose and something you have to fight to keep. God is real. He grants wishes and dreams in his time, not yours. He will refine you for his use not yours. He is merciful and gracious and even in loss and pain will carry you to finding new hope. Believe.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart. Do not follow where other’s paths may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail of your own. Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. Be who you are, and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. Friends are lost easily so while creating your paths don’t alienate someone who might matter to you later in life. Always be graceful in your approach, never judge anyone unfairly and always stick up for people who cannot fight for themselves. Surround yourself with friends who will bring you closer to God and the person HE has destined you to be.

There are no shortcuts in life to any place worth going. You’re going to have to work hard and working is hard. There will be times when you’re lonely. Times you want to quit, but don’t because it is those moments which will become the memories of your past. Sometimes life happens when the worst comes our way but those are absolutely the moments that we remember most. Don’t block out the bad because you will end up blocking out all the good because you may not realize it but good is always around.

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm, Faith or perspective. Your first priority should be to learn what your options are. To not rush into plans that could change until you’ve learned who you are and what you want to do. Don’t be in a rush to do it all and put so much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Live, forgive yourself for your mistakes and work on stuff about yourself that you want to improve. The difference you’ll find between junior high school and high school is that responsible people take responsibility for themselves. Making the grades is only a small part of it. Far more important is to take intellectual responsibility for yourself in a way that matters and will bring you happiness.

Lastly, if you find love or true friendships hold on to it because love is not given freely by everyone. It’s a gift. It matters. Surround yourself with people who lift you up emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Develop that balance and keep it simple sis. Sometimes too much knowledge can show you what you don’t have instead of being happy with what you do, so learn to be content with your choices.

I hope these words inspire you as that is my wish for writing them. There isn’t anyone who loves you more than a mother will. My wish for you all the joy that life has to offer. We will always be a phone call, message or a hug away…as long as I live, there for you whenever you need me. My lap or shoulder will never be to small. Go into your high school life with hope and courage and make it spectacular! Love ~ Mom

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bitterness Is Like Poison

"Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled"  Hebrews 12:14-15    

Let me start by saying I am not perfect, I've never claimed to be. I have done and said things I am not proud of . Things in which I cannot take back or undo. I can only move forward with the help of a very big God, a little coffee and a whole bunch of prayer.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me" Psalm 51:10

 Recently, I have attempted to purge my life of any and all bitterness and anger. Anger, I had held onto with a clinched fist. For so many years.  I've prayed and asked God to purge my life of this anger, bitterness and hatred.  He clearly explained to me (not in an audible voice. But, how cool would that have been?). The steps to cleanse my heart, mind and life of these things were in my control. He could heal my heart.

"“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother." Matthew 18:15

But, I had to make the first steps. For those of you who are regular readers of my blog you know. I've raised my children by myself since 2006ish. I was bitter, angry and resented my ex-husband and my youngest daughters father. For making me raise my children emotionally, financially, emotionally and physically alone. I had 8 years of cooped up built up anger and lets face it hostility. And, I am not even a hostile person. I started by sending my ex-husbands new wife, well of 8 years. A Happy Mother's day message and thanked her for being a great mother to my one child who does live with them. To my surprise I received a pleasant response.

I then sent a message to my youngest daughters father. Thanking him for the privileged of being this amazing little girls mommy. For allowing me to raise her in a Godly, somewhat stable (wink!) environment. And, to my surprise I received another amazing response.

I took this purging process a step further. I send my Step-Mom (whew that is still somewhat hard to say). A Happy Mothers day message. I apologized for being the pain-in-the-butt I had been. Letting her know if she made my dad happy that was their business. Yes, having a step-mom that is your age and you feel always in competition with you or your children. Not only for the affections of your Dad. But, for your place in his life.  Especially when you had finally had some-sort-of relationship with your father. Or when it drove a wedge between your children and their grandfather.  I can honestly say, I am no longer mad, upset or angry.  I admit it's hard; very hard. I continue to pray I can be accepting and mature in this situation. These things no longer bother my. I would like you to know where God has brought me from.

"Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working" James 5:16

Don't get me wrong, I am no longer angry or bitter, towards any of these individuals. Do, I have to continually pray for healing and restoration in these relationships and situations?! Of course. It is like any healing process. You continue to pray and ask God to show you ways to bless and restore the friendships/relationships with others.

"And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before". Job 42:10

I resolve to continue to pray for others. Pray that I do not harbor anger, bitterness or resentment towards anyone. That God will continue to restore dismantled relationships that he wants resorted. And, that I will be able to let go of and place in his hands the ones that are not his will.

I pray you find a blessing in my mistakes.
Remember God is great, prayer is good and coffee is your friend.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Back on Track......

I've taken a hiatus from the Faith and Fitness world. Well more of the fitness not so much the faith. Due to a move, and well a list of other distractions. I am back on track and ready to go. I've missed my workouts, my healthy living and healthy feeling. I know the majority of you have NOT taken a break and I am sure you look and feeling amazing. In this time I have came to the realization... I am NOT a super mom. No matter how hard I try. I feel like I am being prayerfully directed to incorporate my not so super parenting experience into my faith and fitness. Thus, the name change. My Facebook page also has the same name change. I will be back to blogging, Facebooking, and posting about my faith and fitness as a NOT so super mom. So, Please sit down, pull up a chair and join me on the on again journey to Faith and Fitness with a NOT so super mom. Feel free to share with friends, family and strangers Blessings, Hollie Kate <3