Thursday, August 21, 2014

No Weapons Allowed.......

Have you ever seen this sign at a school before: Well, just disregard it!!!!!!!!!!
 Because weapons are exactly what your child needs!
The weapons given to us through Gods word.

 “Take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” (Eph. 6:17-18) When Paul talks about the Armor of God in Ephesians 6, he mentions two offensive weapons that every believer is to equip himself with:

1. Gods Word
2. Prayer

 We need to equip our children with these weapons. And one of the best, most practical ways to do this is by praying God’s Word over your child.

We can help our children in these areas. But, first we have to be able to apply it ourselves. There is so much power in simply praying the word of God. When praying use the word.

We can take every opportunity to use scripture and prayer in everyday life to help not only them, but us as well. I have started taking scriptures and posting them in obvious places (bathroom mirror, chalkboard, fridge, doors, etc.). Giving them a scripture a week to memorize. Beginning with easy ones. And, ones that apply to current situations/circumstances. Well......

This morning taking Kielee to school I had the perfect opportunity to do this. Kielee is easily fearful and anxious. She has a fear of being forgotten or left (bus stop, school, etc.) No, I've not ever forgotten her. She was in tears worrying me and wanting me to promise Madison would meet her at the bus stop. As a mom. Well just a human with morals. I do not make promises I am unable to keep. So, quickly said a quiet prayer. For direction and guidance, on what I should say/do. That still small voice said "here is your chance, don't pass it up". No, it was not an audible voice. But, that inner voice of the holy spirit.  After taking a deep breath, I said "Kielee, (paraphrasing here) you can spend all day worrying about something that may not happen. And, not enjoy the day. Or we can pray together, and enjoy your day. It's up to you. Of course like a smart girl, she says "Let's pray about it".  So, right there in the drop off line we did it . I grabbed her hands. Together we bowed our heads and I said it out loud, windows rolled down. For the world to see and hear.

Heavenly Father,
I want to thank you for the Kielee. I want to thank your for entrusting me with her. This precious sweet little girl you lent to me for a brief time. I know each one of my children has been given as a gift and my job is to equip them for battle (spiritual battle).Your word  in Isaiah 54:14 says  "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper ".I pray anything the enemy has set up against Kielee will not prosper. For you knitted her together (Psalm 139:13). And I know you have plans for each one. Your word says you have plans for hope and a future and we claim this, (Jeremiah 29:11). I pray right now and ask you give Kielee a spirit of peace. Peace in a way only you can. A peace that passes all understanding  (John 14:27).  Lord please help to cast all her anxiety to you (1Peter 5:7). For we know, you go before her and make her crooked path straight (Isaiah 45:2).  Lord help her to trust in you (Proverbs 3:5). Please help her to understand , you have not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). As, she embarks on the day ahead help her to meditate on the things in Philippians 4:8. In Jesus name, Amen.

Nothing eloquent, simple fast and effective. After this she jumped out and ran right in. I didn't even have to get out. She was prayed over and with. Now, she is armed and ready for her day ahead.

So there is a place for weapons (spiritual) in school. If we are not equipping them with the weapons to fight the "unseen" battle, then who will!?  I pray over her teachers, principal, administrators, custodians, clerical staff, etc......  If you school allows arrange a prayer walk around their school. Pray in the hall ways, class rooms, play ground, offices, library. Anywhere the district allows pray there. Anoint the doorways with oil. Do whatever you have to. I promise it will make a difference. Even, if it's not a difference you can see.

Thank you for stopping by and reading,
Remember God is good,  and coffee is your friend :)

Hollie Kate



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